Complete Solutions for Companies and People | Furukawa Electric LatAm
  • FIO - Curitiba

    0800 041 2100

    - Rua Hasdrubal Bellegard, nº 739 – CIC , Curitiba – PR - Centro de Produção - FIO - - Brazil -

  • Furukawa - Paulinia

    +55 19 2116-2000

    - Av. Dr. Roberto Moreira, km 4 - Recanto dos Pássaros - Paulínia/SP , - Escritório de Vendas - - Brazil -

  • Furukawa - Santa Rita (MG)

    +55 35 3473-3300

    - Av. Sapucaí, 450 – Boa Vista , Santa Rita do Sapucaí - Centro de Produção - Minas Gerais - Brazil -

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Speed and quality in the expansion of your network!

Diversified solutions of data traffic via radio with agility, flexibility and reliability.


Radio solutions are quick deployment and activation alternatives. The flexibility is due to its application as a transport link, access, redundancy or it is still possible to move a link from one location to another thus allowing the expansion of the network with agility.
If there is infrastructure, communication can be established in less than a week, usually implemented in 2 days.
This rapid deployment gives great competitiveness allowing the establishment of presence in regions still without wired infrastructure.
Radio solutions when applied as redundancy links function as a primary network protection system. In a possible fall of the main communication system, the air communication system automatically assumes data transport making the impact of the failure much smaller.
It is possible to establish radio communication systems with high reliability, just list the desired premises during the moment of the feasibility calculation where it is possible to define the reliability of the system.

Features of Radio Solutions

The transmission of information (internet, videos, voice or commands) can be of type PtP (Point to Point) or type PmP (Point  to MultiPoint), the communication occurs via the propagation of electromagnetic waves through the air and its application is defined according to the needs and conditions available.

PtP radios establish the interconnection between two points and the definition of the most appropriate type or equipment model is obtained after a previous feasibility study.
PmP radios are applied to serve sectors where starting from a central hub point is established the interconnection with the terminals that are within their coverage area.

Miscellaneous portfolio with frequencies from 1.5 to 18 GHz

To meet the most types of need, Furukawa presents varied solutions that suit the different needs such as short, medium and long (up to 120 km) distances, products capable of achieving up to 1 Gbps of throughput, products with the ability to operate NLOS (No Line of Sight) and even able to maintain performance in the most critical conditions of rain.

High traffic demand for
5G or IoT applications?

Point to Point Solutions
1.5 to 18 GHz BW 3.5/ 14/ 28/ 40/ 56/ 112 MHz* until 4096 QAM**.

B2B Internet (corporate)
Point to multiPoint Solutions
Frequency 10.5 GHz - 240 customers, 60 customers per sector with up to 1 Gbps total (equivalent to 4 sectors);
BW 7/ 14/ 28/ 56 MHz*** until 1024 QAM.

*Maximum bandwidth currently allowed by ANATEL is 56 MHz.
** Upon purchase of license for activation of modulation functionality and or bandwidth to 112 MHz.
*** According to ANATEL regulations for the 10.5 GHz PmP Radio the maximum bandwidth is 28 MHz.
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Where to find

Count on our accredited partners, distributors and solution providers, to ensure the best local service and for your company to know about Furukawa solutions.


To open a call to our Technical Support department. Thus, we are sure that we will provide an excellent and assertive service.